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The hormones produced in the body are numerous, but they all have an important role to play in ensuring that our body functions properly and remains healthy.
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The food women eat can go a long way in adversely affecting their hormones or significantly boosting it. Hormones help in ensuring that various organs of the body perform their tasks with optimal efficiency.
Consuming the right types of food can help to improve a woman’s reproductive organs, metabolism, cardiovascular and digestive system.
Here are 5 superfoods that women should eat in order to maintain balanced hormones.
1. Omega 3 Rich Fatty Fish
Women need to eat lots of fatty fish because these fish are rich in omega 3 fatty acids which are important to the health of the woman as they help with boosting her immune system to be able to combat mental and physical ailments such as; depression, hypertension, inflammatory disease and cardiovascular disease.
2. Yummy Yogurt!
Yogurt is rich in probiotics which help to raise the amount of good bacteria in the digestive system to help with the breaking down of food. It is also rich in vitamin D which helps to regulate hormones as well as prevent premature ageing.
3. Antioxidant Rich Dark Green Leafy Vegetables
You will fight free radicals that cause a lot of health problems when you consume dark green leafy vegetables regularly. You will also enrich your body with vital nutrients while regulating your hormones at the same time. You can eats lots of spinach, kale, cilantro and collard greens.
4. Delicious Avocado Fruit
The fat found in Avocados are very healthy and they help boost the ability of the body of a woman to absorb vital nutrients. This fruit is rich in minerals and vitamins such as; potassium, magnesium, folic acid, fiber, vitamin B complex and E. These minerals and vitamins are necessary for the regulation of hormones in the body.
5. Medicinal Herbs And Spices
When you eat herbs and spices you will help to enrich your skin making it bright and radiant with a smooth youthful appearance. Make sure to consume lots of garlic, cinnamon and ginger as they help to stabilise your hormones and regulate your mood.
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