If you want to cleanse the body and take care the silhouette, includes cucumber in your diet, and not only as a the salad ingredient, but take advantage all of properties cucumber water.
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Light, refreshing, hydrating, diuretic and cleansing. The water of Cucumber is an ally of the first to remove the toxins from the body - to reduce the retention of liquids and to care the silhouette. If you are determined to go on a diet to eliminate those extra pounds that it reveals the scale, you can take hold on extra help, made with one of the lowest-calorie foods, cucumber.
It is important to remember, before embarking on a slimming diet, that reducing calories does not mean stop eating well, but quite the opposite. The diet should serve to adopt healthier habits, such as gambling on fruits and vegetables that, in addition satiating, are low in calories. The diet must accompany the diet with regular physical exercise. And to help, how about trying a drink like cucumber water?Cucumber benefits
This vegetable consists in a 90% water, which makes it very light and moisturizing, in addition of a helps to eliminate toxins from the organism and avoid retention of liquids, which is usually translated in increased in volume and weight. Its low calorie content (hardly 20 per unit) also favors the weight loss and is essential in a slimming diet. The cucumber is diuretic and antioxidant, we cannot forget, among its benefits, that the cucumber is good for skin health, for to regulate the digestion and for strengthen your nails.
Cucumber water recipe
Simple and easy to prepare. With this recipe will make 2 drinks different, one to take in fasting and other throughout the day. It can be included in the diet among 2 and 3 times to week. For its preparation that we need
1 cucumber
A half liter of water
Half lemon
A tablespoon of seeds of chia
First, peel the cucumber and pass it through blender for extract all its juice. Add the cucumber juice to the water and remove the ingredients well.
With the mix are made two different drinks, one to take in fasting at room temperature and another to drink throughout the day.
On the one hand, we fill a glass with the mixture of water and cucumber juice and we add a spoonful of chia, letting to stand a few minutes before taking in fasting.
The rest of the mixture will add lemon juice, We beat well and we will taking throughout the day.
How to prepare cucumber Juice For Weight Lose -Benefits Of Cucumber-Cucumber Diet
How to prepare cucumber Juice For Weight Lose -Benefits Of Cucumber-Cucumber Diet
1 cucumber
1 lemon
1 glass of water
Cut the cucumber Slices than Cut the ginger and lemon Slices.
All ingredients put into the jug In a one glass of water .
Than blend the all ingredients.
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